Support NEST

There are various ways to support NEST. You can find information on these here.


Support the children's and youth programs of the Vienna State Opera at NEST with a donation of your choice!

Your donation is 100% tax-deductible.

Donate now

Armchair sponsorship

We will place your personalized nameplate on an armchair in the auditorium at NEST - the perfect gift!

The chair sponsorship is 100% tax-deductible.

To the sponsorship

Official Circle of Friends

The generous contributions of the Members of our Circle of Friends make an important contribution to the realization of the creative operation and the implementation of the offers at NEST. So please support us with your membership!

Membership of the Circle of Friends is tax-deductible.

Become a member

Become a sponsor

Become a sponsor of NEST. With your sponsorship you support young artists, new opera and dance formats, as well as the further opening of the Vienna State Opera to a young audience.

Become a sponsor