Drama - paarweise

Drama - paarweise

Wie berühmte Paare Klassiker erfanden

Performance cancelled Das ist ein Platz für einen maximal 2 zeiligen Erklärungsgrund warum die Vorstellung abgesagt wurde. Eine Übersicht von weiteren Terminen zu dieser Produktion finden Sie weiter unten.


Saturday 21. December 2024 15:00 – 16:30 No intermissions Workshop-Raum NEST

from 10

2 more dates


Drama - paarweise

More dates

24 May
15:00 — 16:30
24 May
17:30 — 19:00

About the project

Workshop on: How famous couples invented classics! For everyone aged 10-90.

What happens when a successful composer and an extraordinary librettist work together? How does one of the greatest opera collaborations in music history come about? In this workshop, children from the age of 10, families or friends have the opportunity to explore the creative working process of Mozart and Da Ponte.

Through interactive activities with the workshop facilitator duo, participants will explore the creative process behind their masterpieces and develop their own short texts and melodies.

Tickets: 5€ per session
